
Travel letters to the editor

‘Jubilee!’ may be just the ticket

Jay Jones’ article on the almost-30-year run of the “Jubilee!” show at Bally’s hotel was no less than awesome [“Iconic Gem Amid Change,” May 16]. I would venture to say that in the last 10 years I have stayed no less than 15 times at Bally’s in search of the ultimate Vegas weekend, which is to break even. In my quest, I have to confess that I never once took in the “Jubilee!” show. My next stay at Bally’s will not be without seeing this show, hearing a Cole Porter song and, dare I say, possibly breaking even.

Bill Spitalnick

Newport Beach

You can be your own trip planner

As I begin to plan a trip, I take a blank calendar page and fill in the month and dates in ink, then fill in my projected schedule in pencil, because it is often subject to change. As I go places and do things, I write in each day’s activities. This way I can see what open days I have and some possible activities. After my trip I can quickly and clearly see what I did each day, rather than leafing through my journal to see what I did when.

In the blank spaces I write my frequent flier number, airline phone numbers, my reservation numbers, and any other pertinent information I may need as I travel.

Lynne Baker

Huntington Beach

Hats off to Grand Circle Travel

Who knew there was a volcano in Iceland that would erupt and disrupt the world?

I had just finished a river cruise with Grand Circle Travel, ending in Amsterdam, when the volcano erupted. When time came for us to vacate our hotel rooms, there were no flights leaving. Grand Circle saved the day and told the tour group it would pay for us to stay in the hotel for as long as it took to get on our flight to return home.

Needless to say, I’ll be traveling more with Grand Circle knowing I will have no worries should an unforseen event occur.

Great customer service. Thank you, GCT.

Brenda Schonfeld

Los Angeles


I must commend Grand Circle Small Ship Travel for its handling of problems

caused by the Icelandic volcano. We weren’t going to be able to get home, so they

called the 120 or so passengers aboard the Rhapsody to explain the situation. The company kept us

aboard ship in our original cabins, fed us gourmet meals and planned two optional trips to keep us

occupied. The staff was constantly on the phones trying to get plane reservations changed and even get

medications for those who did not bring enough for an extended stay. Ultimately, we were taken by bus to

Amsterdam or Brussels for our flights. All of this and other amenities were provided at no charge to any

passengers. This was my ninth trip with Grand Circle, and I would ask anyone seeking group travel to

strongly consider this company.

Marilyn Van Aken

Los Angeles
