
Web buzz: keeps track of frequent-flier miles

Are you losing frequent-flier miles because you don’t know when they expire?, which was largely a social networking site, has a new Loyalty Tracker that makes keeping track of airline, hotel and car rental points easier than spending them.

What’s hot: I wasn’t convinced I needed this service until I saw the Loyalty Tracker feature. It keeps track of your mileage points (by taking your login/password information) and shows you, on a single page, when they’re about to expire. If only it had been available last year. I recently lost one free domestic flight because 30,000 miles expired six months ago, which I discovered when I went to load my Traxo profile. Mileage automatically gets updated when you book a trip. You don’t have to go back to Traxo and update.

What’s not: You might prefer to add only the accounts you use frequently instead of all the travel websites you’ve ever used. I was too ambitious and added a lot and decided to fill in my passwords later. The result was a long and incomplete list. It looks better when your “Travel Sites” area is filled with mileage numbers and isn’t just a running grid of reminders to “finish website setup.”

— Jen Leo
