
Horoscope: Nov. 1

Aries (March 21-April 19): You will be curious and inquisitive, and will hopefully address your inquiry to all of the right people, like those who are forthcoming with helpful information.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): You may not feel passionate about the endeavor you get paid for. But do a fantastic job and the job you want will be yours.

Gemini (May 21-June 21): You spread goodwill to those close to you. And they will accept the energy to the exact degree that you give it.


Cancer (June 22-July 22): These are your magic words of the day: Do you have any advice for me? Ask it to people of all ranks and order.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Who is my leader? This is the question you’ll be asking yourself. Be judicious. Retain your power.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): New friendships are in the works. This doesn’t happen every day; it’s exciting. Don’t be afraid to show it.


Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): You are likely to feel that the duties you are expected to accomplish are unfair. But take into account that you’re extremely capable.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): The truth is like a rare and beautiful gem. You have to admire it, even when it is not the kind of honesty you really wanted to hear.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You help those around you in ways that you can’t know. Your smile, your friendliness, your encouragement — they reflect a broad and generous spirit.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your imprint on others is emotional. Think about what kind of mood you capture, embody and unintentionally inflict on others.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Friendly and attractive new acquaintances may charm you for a while, but unless they also have substantial integrity, they will not hold your interest.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): When the time comes to handle domestic chores, you will think of a million things you’d rather do. But dive into those duties and set up a smooth week ahead.

Today’s birthday (Nov. 1): Your methodical approach will bring success. This month, you’ll be appointed to a position for which you are well qualified. You’ll be paid for your diligence in December. January is reserved for spontaneous fun with loved ones. Your fitness level improves markedly in 2011. Cancer and Taurus people adore you. Your lucky numbers: 30, 21, 4, 33 and 23.

Holiday Mathis writes for Creators Syndicate Inc.

The horoscope is for entertainment. Previous forecasts are at

