
Got questions about Nov. 15 open enrollment on health insurance? They’ve got answers

Open enrollment begins Nov. 15 for many employee health insurance plans, and the news may not be pretty. Premiums are expected to go up and some federal healthcare reforms go into effect, but what else might affect your benefits?

Health insurance officials will provide some insight during an online chat 9 to 10 a.m. PDT Wednesday at the Health Notes blog of the Newport News Daily Press.

John DeGruttola, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Optima Health, and Matt Manock, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s director of group sales for Hampton Roads, Va., will answer questions about changes you can expect to see across the board, whether or not you subscribe to those specific health plans. Find out more on how to participate at Live Web Chat.


In 2010, employees paid 14% more on average in 2010 for their share of health insurance, and that trend is likely to continue, as this Los Angeles Times story explains: “Some employers are planning to implement frighteningly big increases in both insurance premiums and the cost-sharing for services that comes out of your pocket.”

Even if you don’t plan to change health plans, you should assess what may have changed in terms of coverage. Check out “10 tips for health insurance open enrollment” from the Daily Press before you sign on the dotted line.
