
The Smart List: Mario Lopez is saved again

“Mario Lopez: Saved by the Baby” … Because if you don’t talk about it, I fear he will try even harder to get attention.

Lopez will probably always be known as Albert Clifford Slater, the beefy jock from “Saved by the Bell” (a perm and acid wash parachute pants can do that to a career), but the dimply hunk isn’t letting that halt his career. The “Dancing With the Stars” alum and host of “Extra” — though, we’re not about to let him forget about his duties on “The Other Half” — is the latest celebrity to take the VH1 route. Watch as he navigates the world of fatherhood. (Sundays)

Need an extra reminder that the holiday season is in full gear? Talk about “Disney’s A Christmas Carol.”

Colossal portions of turkey and stuffing haven’t even been gobbled up yet (nor thanks given), but that ancient yuletide carol is already in full swing. Helping children (and their parents) get into the holiday spirit is creepy, ghoul-looking Jim Carrey … as a CGI-animated Ebenezer Scrooge in the flick. We’re sure Jenny McCarthy is using copies to substitute lumps of coal as stocking stuffers. (Tuesday)


If you like vintage Springsteen, talk about “The Promise (The Lost Session: Darkness on the Edge of Town).”

Travel back in time with the Boss with the new two-CD set, featuring 21 songs including alternate takes of “Racing in the Street,” “Candy’s Room” and “Factory.” If you’ve got a “hungry heart” in need of a visual aid, a three-CD, three-DVD box set “The Promise: The Darkness on the Edge of Town Story” with all sorts of Springsteen goodies will also be released. What do you expect? We’re born in the USA. We like to be gluttonous … even with our pop culture consumption.

Make Rihanna feel like she’s the “Only Girl (in the World)” and talk about her new CD “Loud.”

She may love the way you lie, but she’ll probably hate you if you don’t buy the album that marks her return to the good-girl-gone-bad pop sounds and not the melancholy tracks that dominated her last record. The songstress’ fifth album includes a sequel to that little ol’ Eminem duet and collaborations with Drake and Nicki Minaj. Wait, is that an Avril Lavigne sample? Loud, indeed. (Tuesday)


Moviegoers with an aversion to bespectacled wizards should talk about “Made in Dagenham.”

Ever wondered what led to Britain’s Equal Pay Act of 1970? We thought so. Sally Hawkins (“Happy-Go-Lucky”) stars in the Nigel Cole-directed film, a true story of a 1968 female workers strike at the Ford Dagenham car plant in England. (Friday)
