
Where to follow ‘Gossip Girl’ styles online

Plenty of publications, including In Style and People, reference the fashion on “Gossip Girl” in an attempt to satisfy the style-hungry who pine for a floral gown worn by Blair or the glittery black eyeliner greased around Jenny’s eyes. In addition, there are a number of websites that dedicate their content to tracking what the cast wears, citing the specific designer, cost of each item and links to retail sites. Among them: — Perhaps the most comprehensive website on all things worn by the Gossip Girls. After each episode, images of certain outfits are posted. Brands and prices are included, as well as less expensive alternatives for “getting the look.” — Dedicated to all things Blair Waldorf, tracking what she wears in almost every episode and listing the designers of each item, from her hats to her heels.

Advertisement — Not as centered on style as the others, but as the name implies, this site chronicles all things Chuck (Ed Westwick) and Blair. The on-again, off-again drama of this couple and their over-the-top outfits make them the two most fun characters to watch, both for the story line and their sartorial choices.

— Melissa Magsaysay
