
Help for a tight torso

Good Form

Here’s a simple way to gain flexibility in your lats, chest and shoulders using a wall to support your body weight. Remember to do it after training with weights or whenever your upper body feels stiff.

Face a flat, stable wall, and stand a few inches away. Step your left leg about 3 feet behind you, with your right toes facing forward and your left toes turned slightly outward. Rest your arms straight above you on the wall. Inhale and lean toward the wall, bending at your hips.

On an exhalation, press your palms together and slide your forearms down along the wall, bending at the elbows. At the same time, bring your torso toward the floor to form a 90-degree angle with your body. Pause in this position for three to six breaths. Be sure to keep both feet flat on the floor and brace with your abdominal muscles to support this forward lean. Return to the starting position, change legs and repeat.


Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Sleek Essentials.”

[email protected]
