
For the record - Nov. 20, 2010

George W. Bush appearance: In the Nov. 19 LATExtra section, a caption accompanying a photo of former President George W. Bush at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where he was promoting his book “Decision Points,” said the library was near Simi Valley. The library, which once was in unincorporated Ventura County, has been annexed by the city of Simi Valley.

“Great Expectations”: A review of A Noise Within’s production of “Great Expectations” in the Nov. 17 Calendar section identified Laura Karpman as the composer of the show’s original music. Doug Newell composed the music.

William Self obituary: The obituary of producer and television executive William Self in Friday’s LATExtra section cited “Sarah, Plain and Tall” as one of the programs Self produced in partnership with Norman Rosemont for TV’s “Hallmark Hall of Fame.” Self and Glenn Close, the star of “Sarah, Plain and Tall,” were the executive producers.
