
Have eggs met their protein match? Well, it’s not that hard

Eggs have been the subject of high-profile recalls this summer over E.coli concerns. Now one cereal company is trying to elbow them off the breakfast table.

In a new marketing campaign, Kashi claims some of its breakfast cereals have as much protein as an egg. This Allentown Morning Call story says that’s nothing to brag about, given the average egg has just 6 grams of protein. “When you consider that a half of a breast of chicken contains about 30 protein grams, the egg doesn’t seem like a particularly protein-rich food,” the story says.

So how much protein do you need in a day? It depends on your age, your size and your overall health. Here are some tips from the Harvard School of Public Health about what proteins you need and what foods make for good protein sources.

And really, there’s nothing wrong with eating eggs. Here’s what says about the role they play in your diet.
