
For the record - Nov. 26, 2010

Military funeral: An article in the Nov. 23 Section A about the funeral of Marine 1st Lt. Robert Michael Kelly said he was believed to be the only son of a general to have been killed in Iraq or Afghanistan during the last nine years. In fact, at least one other son of a general has been killed during that time: Army Capt. Michael Anthony Cerrone, son of Army Brig. Gen. James A. Cerrone, died in Samarra, Iraq, on Nov. 12, 2006.

Robert Kennedy: In his column Nov. 21 in Section A, Steve Lopez wrote about the visit to Robert F. Kennedy’s grave by Juan Romero, who as a teenage busboy knelt beside the mortally wounded presidential candidate in 1968. The column, in excerpting from a speech by Kennedy, contained an error. The quote, published in part as “Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to take the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world,” should have read “… to tame the savageness of man…”

Thankful turkeys: In the Nov. 24 LATExtra section, an article about two turkeys saved from slaughter by an animal advocate and invited to her Thanksgiving dinner was accompanied by a photo credited to Los Angeles Times staff photographer Brian van der Brug. The photographer is Brian Vandenberg, and he is not on staff.
