
How to keep kids with food allergies safe at school? Ask an expert at this Web chat Tuesday

Children with food allergies need careful menu planning and monitoring, but what happens when they’re at school?

Dr. Jennifer Kim, a pediatrician and food allergy specialist, will be answering questions during an online Web chat “Managing children’s food allergies at school” starting at 10 a.m. PST.

Food allergies affect about 1 in 25 school-age children, according to this American Academy of Pediatrics report. If you aren’t sure whether your child has a food allergy, take a look at some symptoms and common foods that cause allergies at


And if you have a teen who has food allergies, chances are they’re feeling limited by their condition. This study published in November by the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology polled teens with food allergies about their quality of life.

With all these considerations, it’s best to get an expert’s advice. So join this online conversation to get some answers.
