Good Form: Straddle split
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Sitting in a straddle split can be quite challenging if your inner thighs and hamstring muscles are tight. Try using a bolster or a large, firm pillow to help bring the floor up to you. This makes it easier to hold the stretch longer, so you can develop more flexibility.
Sit on the floor with a bolster or pillow in front of you and your legs stretched out to the side as far as possible. Place your hands behind you on the floor to help you sit up straight. Flex your feet by pressing out through your heels. Inhale, keeping your chest lifted and your shoulders relaxed.
On an exhalation, walk your fingertips out in front of you as you tilt your torso forward. Keep leaning forward until you can rest your chest on the bolster or pillow. Be sure to keep your legs straight and your torso long. Rest in this position for 30 to 60 seconds.
Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Sleek Essentials.”