
For the record - Oct. 20, 2010

Public pensions: An article in the Oct. 17 California section about public pensions as an issue in the gubernatorial race said that California Highway Patrol officers are part of a labor group called the California Statewide Law Enforcement Assn., which has endorsed candidate Meg Whitman. Highway Patrol officers are represented by the California Assn. of Highway Patrolmen, which has not made an endorsement.

Belva Plain obituary: The obituary of novelist Belva Plain in the Oct. 18 LATExtra section had an incomplete listing of her survivors. She is survived by three children, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Jennifer Jones: A Lost L.A. column in the Oct. 2 Home described a 1946 magazine photograph taken in the house of actress Jennifer Jones, whose film “Duel in the Sun,” the column said, had been branded by critics as “Lust in the Sun.” Critics actually nicknamed the film “Lust in the Dust.”


Fall television season: An article in the Oct. 18 Calendar section assessing the fall television season suggested that the new season of “Human Target” was underway. The series doesn’t launch its second season until Nov. 17.
