

Yosemite photos

Mark Boster’s Yosemite photos are fantastic [“Autumn Embraced,” Oct. 17]. I am an amateur photographer, good enough to recognize superb photography when I see it. The photos have taught me (again) to look for the micro-shots; they add so much variety to the larger landscapes. Thank you for such a fabulous photo journal.

Kim Johnson, Cruise Navigators Travel, Aliso Viejo

Thanks for the pictures and article. I look forward to the next three. Beautiful!

Doug Balding, Los Angeles

What a pleasant surprise to open up the Travel section and read and see Boster’s photo and article about Yosemite, a place and time he described just as I remembered it as a child growing up in the ‘30s and ‘40s, from traveling in un-air-conditioned cars with my twin brother and older sister, all in the back seat of our car, to Camp Curry and the “firefall” over Glacier Point nightly to the icy Merced River. In the ‘60s and ‘70s, I repeated my experience there with my three children.

But it was not until in my 70s that I discovered the autumn colors of Yosemite. As we drove into the entrance and then the valley, it was the first time I saw the different colors of the park. It was like encountering an old friend with a new coat, one of colors, but as beautiful as ever. Thanks for bringing up the wonderful memories we share with you.


Mort Gantman, Pacific Palisades

The essence of New England

Thank you, Susan Spano, for your beautiful article on New England [“It Takes a Village … or Three,” Oct. 17]. Each year, my husband and I fly to Albany, N.Y., and take a route through northern Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and back to Albany. Spano’s description is a keeper.

Jim and Mary Cloud, Coronado, Calif.

A sensible replay or a lambaste?

Regarding “Not Amused” by Catharine Hamm [On the Spot, Oct. 17]: superb reply. I was gratified to read a sane and sensible response. What parent puts a 10-year-old on a flight alone and expects her to be not only safe and supervised but entertained too?

Jane Lowry, Newport Beach

I am no longer amused by Hamm’s attacks on readers in her column. In “Not Amused,” the writer expressed dissatisfaction that the airline had told her there was TV aboard for her daughter, who was traveling alone, without telling her that use of the TV required a credit card. Hamm lambasted the writer for not evaluating her daughter’s maturity and told the writer she should have traveled with the daughter, regardless of cost.


Peggy Brutsche, Long Beach
