
Colin Powell endorses Obama for president

WASHINGTON -- Former secretary of state Colin Powell endorsed President Obama for reelection Thursday, saying he has been “very solid” on protecting the country during his watch.

Speaking on CBS’ “This Morning,” Powell credited Obama with ending the war in Iraq, drawing down troops in Afghanistan and avoiding entanglement in new wars despite tensions around the globe.

“I think that the actions he’s taken with respect to protecting us from terrorism have been very, very solid,” Powell said. “And so I think we ought to keep on the track that we are on.”


The Obama campaign promoted the endorsement with a video released shortly after the appearance by Powell, a Republican who served as the country’s top diplomat under President George W. Bush.

PHOTOS: President Obama’s past

Powell backed Obama in 2008 and said he plans to “stick with him in 2012” based on his record and on the proposals of Republican Mitt Romney.


“I’m not quite sure which Gov. Romney we’d be getting with respect to foreign policy,” he said, calling his positions a “moving target.”

“There are some very, very strong neo-conservative views that are presented by the governor,” said Powell, “that I have some trouble with.”

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