
Chick-fil-A: A ‘massive culture war Armageddon’?

Gay rights groups and others protest and hold a "kiss-in" outside the Decatur, Ga., Chick-fil-A restaurant Friday.
(David Tulis / AP Photo)

Same-Sex Kiss-In Day is getting started today just a few days after Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, extending the 2-week-long cycle of outrage from supporters and critics of company President Dan Cathy’s comments against gay marriage.

"Finally a form of activism Americans can fully embrace, affecting social change through the act of eating a fast food sandwich," said Jon Stewart sarcastically Thursday night while hosting "The Daily Show".

 “If the massive culture war Armageddon we've been dreading for years takes the form of one-day record chicken sandwich sales, maybe everybody walks away from this a winner,” he said.

After former GOP presidential canddidate Mike Huckabee declared Wednesday to be Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, the chain confirmed that it had a “record-setting day.”

To lesbian, gay, bixsexual and transgender consumers and their supporters, who likely found the turnout to be “incredibly disheartening,” Stewart had this to say:

“Gay marriage is happening. Like many drive through window lanes, it ain't going backwards. And your bonus is this: You get gay marriage. And all your political opponents are going to get is Type 2 diabetes.”

That, or a $30 T-shirt from Glenn Beck. The conservative radio host is selling limited-edition shirts emblazoned with the image of a chicken and the slogan “A DEEP-FRIED STORM IS COMING, MR. OBAMA.”

Beck’s website notes that the shirts are made in America. The description also says:

“America has had enough of the attacks on freedom of speech and diversity of thought. The far left’s recent attacks on Dan Cathy and “boycott” of Chick-fil-A backfired in their face as America sent a LOUD & TASTY message to the left and the occupants of White House by eating more chicken.”
And then, there was the Twitter stream of consciousness from Detroit Lions linebacker Justin Durant, who said he wouldn’t even boycott Chick-fil-A if Cathy said slavery was a good idea.
