
Dealing with lead during renovation

If you’re planning to renovate a home built before 1978, there are regulations concerning dust and other materials containing lead, a toxic substance formerly used in paint. Some key things to know:

Contractors: A contractor hired to remodel more than 6 square feet indoors in homes, schools or child-care facilities built before 1978 must by law be trained and certified in proper practices. The Environmental Protection Agency website can help you find a certified renovator in your area.

Get informed: Renovators must give homeowners and tenants a copy of an EPA pamphlet called “The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right,” which you can also read online.


Testing: To determine whether there is lead in your home — whether it was built before 1978 or not — you can hire a certified inspector or risk assessor. Visit the California Department of Public Health website to see a list of those who are certified.

Dust control: The EPA recommends that your contract with a renovator spell out how dust will be handled and prevented from spreading. The contract should also specify that the contractor will clean up the work area, verify that it was cleaned adequately and clean it again if necessary.

Post-job testing: If you want lead testing done after the job is completed, be sure to specify this in the contract, stating who will do the testing and whether further cleaning will be required based on the results of the test.


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