
Watch the first man land on the moon, live, 43 years later

On July 20, 1969, millions of people around the world gathered in front of black-and-white television sets to see the unbelievable -- the first man walking on the moon.

Forty-three years later, Jason Kottke, the guy behind the blog, invites you to gather around your computers and watch the exact same broadcast in a live online event.

He has created a Web page where you can see the original CBS News coverage of the event, complete with Walter Cronkite reporting and an old television frame to heighten the nostalgic experience.


Also, he synced it to run at the exact same time that it ran 43 years ago.

That means you can’t remind yourself to watch this footage later. If you want to be part of the fun, you’ll have to watch each piece of the coverage at the same time it ran back in 1969.

On his blog, Kottke provides the following schedule:

Moon landing broadcast start: 4:10:30 pm EDT on July 20
Moon landing shown: 4:17:40 pm EDT
Moon landing broadcast end: 4:20:15 pm EDT
Moon walk broadcast start: 10:51:27 pm EDT
First step on moon: 10:56:15 pm EDT
[President] Nixon speaks to the Eagle crew: approx 11:51:30 pm EDT
Moon walk broadcast end: 12:00:30 pm EDT on July 21

If you’ve never seen this coverage, but can’t watch the whole thing, Kottke writes that you should at least make time to watch the landing segment, which runs for about 10 minutes, and the first 10 to 20 minutes of the moon walk.


Kottke originally created this live re-broadcast of the original broadcast in 2009, on the 40th anniversary of the moon landing. But since we missed that one, we’re glad he resurrected the project.

And if you found this blog post too late to watch the moon landing precisely 43 years after it was first aired, fear not. Kottke also created a YouTube channel with all the CBS news coverage of Apollo 11 for stragglers.

That guy thought of everything.


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