
United hikes baggage fee for some international flights

If you’re planning to fly abroad this summer, pack light or prepare to pay up.

United Air Lines has joined Delta Air Lines in charging $100 for a second checked bag on certain international flights.

The higher checked bag charge took effect June 1 and applies to flights from the U.S. to Europe, Africa, India, the Middle East and come countries in South America. The list of frees can be found on the United Air Lines baggage fee page.

United had previously charged $70 for a second checked bag. Delta increased its second bag fee to $100 in January, up from its previous charge of $75.


In the past four years, baggage fees have become a significant source of revenue for airlines. In 2011, United collected about $277 million in bag fees, compared with $313 million in the previous year, according to federal statistics.

Delta led the nation’s airlines in baggage fee revenue, collecting $864 million in 2011, down from $952 million in the previous year, according to federal statistics.


Allegiant becomes second airline to charge for carry-on bags
Fee-driven Spirit Airlines will raise carry-on bag charge to $100


Southwest subsidiary AirTran still charges bag, reservation fees
