
Summer’s not over — you can still rent out that RV or boat

An RV camper and night sky in Joshua Tree National Park
Renting out your RV is among the many summer side gigs available.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

It feels like summer just started, but it’s nearly over. For many families, that’s the cue to get cracking on a summer vacation. These last-minute vacationers spell opportunity for side hustlers, who can take advantage of last-gasp-of-summer recommendations.

These sites help you rent your stuff or services to vacationers — or get a bargain on your own last-minute getaway. They also help you capitalize on seasonal increases in activities such as moving and redecorating.

Here are our recommendations.

Things to rent out

The old saying about luxury items was: “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” In today’s world, there’s a better option. If you’ve got it, rent it out.


If you can deep-clean a grill, unclog a drain or captain a boat, you can earn $50 or more an hour through websites that connect skilled workers with people in need.

Luxury items such as beach houses, RVs and boats can rent for hundreds — even thousands — of dollars. That defrays the cost of buying and maintaining these expensive items, while also providing a great deal to renters. The sites worth recommending to list your luxury items for rent — or to find your summer vacation rental — include:

LakeHop: LakeHop is one of three sites where you can rent out a boat or host a boating experience. It is specifically focused on inland waterways, such as Lake Tahoe and Lake Michigan. But what makes this site a little different from others is that most bookings come with a “rideshare driver” — i.e. the boat owner, who has a specific service to offer. These services include wakeboard lessons, fishing trips and cruises.

Boat owners benefit by getting paid for what they do for fun, without worrying about whether a stranger might crash their watercraft. And customers get the benefit of a guide, who is intimately familiar with the lake and its best fishing and/or water skiing spots. Since you’ve also got a designated driver, guests don’t need to worry about having a few beers.


Other boat rental sites worth checking out include Boatsetter and GetMyBoat. However, these sites separate boat rentals and skipper services. If you need both, it’s likely to be a bit more costly.

Outdoorsy: Outdoorsy is a marketplace where people who own RVs can connect with people who want to rent them. RV owners set their own rental rates and terms, determining whether to collect a security deposit or cleaning fee and whether they allow pets and smoking in their rig. There are many other good peer-to-peer networks to rent out (or rent) an RV, including RVnGo. But Outdoorsy is our top recommendation for a couple of reasons.

First, vehicles are inspected every 90 days. That gives renters an assurance that they’re getting a vehicle that’s in good condition and gives owners support if they think a renter has damaged their vehicle. Outdoorsy also provides insurance through Liberty Mutual, which covers everything except a deductible. The site gives suggestions on rental rates (helpful for those new to this game), and gets overwhelmingly positive reviews.


Having an upbeat outlook is a tremendous advantage for those pursuing artistic and people-oriented side jobs.

VRBO: Normally Airbnb might be the go-to site to rent out a vacation home. But VRBO has been running an aggressive advertising campaign that’s likely to bring a lot of late summer interest. The site also has two ways to pay its fees — a flat annual rate or a commission. The flat rate of $499 makes sense for people with expensive houses that are rented more than a few months a year.

If your vacation rental goes for $5,000 a week, for instance, you’re better off with the flat-fee model after booking only three weeks of rentals. The site can also prove a better deal for renters, who generally don’t face as many site-added fees. Other vacation rental sites that charge flat fees include BeachHouse, WeNeedAVacation and Cape Cod Vacation Rentals.

Moving jobs

Roughly 60% of all moves are done in the summer. And these last few weeks of the season are likely to deliver particularly strong demand as escrows close on buyers who rushed to complete their deals before interest rates soared. To qualify for moving jobs, you need to be strong enough to lift 50 to 75 pounds.

You don’t need your own truck. But if you have one, you’ll earn more. Sites we recommend to find moving jobs include GoShare, Truxx, Dolly, LaborJack and HireAHelper.

Side hustles often involve high-stakes situations where the ability to complete the job effectively rests on understanding the risk ahead of time.

Decorating jobs

Buying a new house often spurs homeowners to redecorate and buy new furniture, boosting demand for interior decorators. There are a wealth of side hustle platforms that can help you find online home decorating work. Of these, Decorilla pays the best, offering $35 per hour. However, Modsy and Decorist may also be worth a look.


The whole “you need a pet to survive the pandemic” trend created millions of new pet owners. And what do you do with a pampered puppy when you go on vacation? You call a Rover.


Rover is the undeniable leader in dog walking and pet sitting, enlisting freelancers from all over the country to set their own rates and terms. The site has a lot to recommend it, including lots of loyal customers, reasonable fees and the ability to vary rates by season. We also regularly hear from freelancers that they can count on this site to deliver income ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands per month, depending on how much they’re willing to work.

Kristof is the editor of, an independent website that reviews moneymaking opportunities in the gig economy.
