
Apple wants 8 Samsung smartphones banned in U.S.

After its overwhelming court victory against Samsung last week, Apple now wants eight of its rival’s smartphones banned from U.S. store shelves.

According to Business Insider, the devices are:

— Droid Charge

— Galaxy S 4G

— Galaxy S II (ATT&T version)

— Galaxy S II Skyrocket

— Galaxy S II (T-Mobile version)

— Galaxy S II Epic 4G

— Galaxy S Showcase

— Galaxy Prevail

Apple won its huge patent-infringement lawsuit against Samsung in court last Friday, with a nine-member jury deciding in Apple’s favor on six of seven patents and awarding the Cupertino, Calif., company $1.05 billion.


The verdict came in federal court in San Jose after just three days of deliberation following a four-week trial.

U.S. District Judge Lucy H. Koh, who presided over the case, has scheduled an injunction hearing for Sept. 20 to determine which, if any, Samsung products should be banned.


Apple’s victory over Samsung could mean more lawsuits


Apple awarded $1 billion in Samsung patent-infringement case

South Korean court bans some products in Apple-Samsung patent case

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