
New report says iPhone will have an 8 pin dock connector

Here’s the latest from Apple rumor land: a dock connector controversy!

Contrary to popular rumored belief, the iPhone’s new dock connector may be even smaller than previously rumored, according to a new report from the website iLounge.

(Yes, it has come to this, people: rumors upon rumors.)

For months reports have circulated on the Internet that Apple was going to shrink its dock connector -- that thin jack at the bottom of the phone that lets you charge it and connect it to your computer.

It was reported that the dock would shrink from 30 pins to 19 pins, or possibly 16 pins. But on Wednesday, iLounge reported that the new phone would feature an 8-pin dock connector.


Anticipating the frenzy this report would cause, iLounge editor Jeremy Horowitz said he held off printing this latest report until he got it confirmed with additional sources.

“Since the [8-pin-connector dock report] directly conflicts with rumors that have made the rounds for months, we waited to publish it until we had additional confirmation, which we received this morning,” he wrote Wednesday.

All the sources, were of course, unnamed.

Although the size of the dock connector might seem unimportant to the casual iPhone user, it is of great importance to all those people and companies who build accessories for the iPhone. And because Apple is notoriously secretive about its new products, rumors are all these satellite businesses have to rely on until Apple officially launches the new iPhone -- on the rumored date of Sept. 12.



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