
Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner visit Sydney, where it was raining eggs

Model and TV presenter Ksenija Lukich, left, welcomes Kendall Jenner, center and Kylie Jenner to the stage at Westfield Parramatta mall in Sydney on Tuesday.

Model and TV presenter Ksenija Lukich, left, welcomes Kendall Jenner, center and Kylie Jenner to the stage at Westfield Parramatta mall in Sydney on Tuesday.

(Lisa Maree Williams / Getty Images)

Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner were nearly the target of an egging in Sydney, Australia, on Tuesday — and they didn’t even know it.

“don’t you think there would of been a video of eggs being thrown or even a pic?,” Kylie tweeted after the launch of their clothing collection for Australia’s Forever New brand, which was attended by thousands of fans. “Just saying. If it did happen we weren’t there.”

Clearly, Kylie falls into the pics-or-it-didn’t-happen camp.


Fortunately for the sisters, the four eggs hurled from an upper level hit the stage before the reality stars did: According to the police and the Sydney Morning Herald it did happen, about 10 minutes before the appearance got underway, and someone was arrested almost immediately.

Fans of Kylie and Kendall Jenner look to see the source of eggs that were thrown onto a stage in Sydney minutes before the sisters were to appear.

Fans of Kylie and Kendall Jenner look to see the source of eggs that were thrown onto a stage in Sydney minutes before the sisters were to appear.

(Lisa Maree Williams / Getty Images)

“It looked like there were three boys. They went up and down the escalators and it looked like they threw them from up there. We were worried we would be hit,” fan Jade Brincat, was there with her mom, her younger siblings and a couple of friends, told the Herald. Eyewitness accounts aside, it was a 25-year-old woman who was taken into custody. Or maybe she was 30, if you believe TMZ‘s report, which describes an “older” woman. (*cough*)


“She was taken to Parramatta Police Station where she was charged with three counts of assaulting police officers in the execution of their duty and behaving in an offensive manner,” a police spokesman told Australia’s Daily Telegraph.

In this case, the woman allegedly spit on police officers. Still, if “behaving in an offensive manner” were a crime in the United States, we’re thinking the entire Kardashian-Jenner clan might be in trouble more often than not.


Among the distinctly unoffended was Naya Hamad, 16, described Kylie Jenner to as “my queen.” Hamad had skipped school Monday, and she and a friend spent the night outside the mall with about 50 other fans. “In the cold, it was like 15 degrees [Celsius]. I still haven’t slept.”

“I would do anything for that woman.”

However, Jade Brincat’s mom, Tammy, was a bit cranky when it was all over: Despite being among the first 100 in line to meet the Jenners, her clan didn’t get any selfies with them.

“We only had a split second with them. We would have loved a picture,” Jade’s mom said. “It was disappointing. We camped out here virtually for nothing just to get a signed photo of them, which you can really get anywhere really.”

One of the Jenners’ bodyguards told the Herald that the ladies were under time pressure, and the appearance’s egging-induced delay didn’t help things.

“You can’t always make them all happy,” he said. “I know some fans expected more time, but instead of just getting 50 through we were able to accommodate 250 fans.”

To think, it seems like only yesterday that Justin Bieber’s fans were the ones getting disappointed Down Under.


Follow Christie D’Zurilla on Twitter @theCDZ and Google+. Follow the Ministry of Gossip on Twitter @LATcelebs.
