
Calendar Letters: Writer, subject converge

Beautiful interview [“Inside the Artistry of Paul Simon,” May 8]. It provided insight into [Robert] Hilburn’s thinking as well as opening a window into what Paul Simon is like. I think in order for the latter to happen, it was necessary for the former to be present.

John Snyder

Newbury Park


I am a contemporary of Robert Hilburn’s who has followed and enjoyed his writing in the Los Angeles Times over the last 40-some years. How wonderful that he has given us this work on Paul Simon and his creations while some of us who are “Still Crazy ...” are still around after all these years.

John H. Mayer (not the musician)


Nice look back at ‘cowpunk’

Regarding “‘Cowpunk’ Rocker Who Defied Genres” [April 8]: Lovely, comprehensive. The Dils were one of the first bands I saw in Los Angeles. Keep up the good work. The Times is already noticeably better since the sale.


Lyndon Lamphere

Los Angeles

Editor’s note: The sale of the Los Angeles Times has not been completed.


Yeah, it’s old people’s music now. I remember the Nuns at the Sex Pistols’ last concert in 1978. Nice remembrance.

Bob Wieting

Simi Valley

Let’s consider Kanye West

It’s a shame to see Kanye West labeled as “off the rails” for expressing an unpopular opinion about Donald Trump [“This rant? It’s Not Like the Others,” May 5]. It’s not hard to believe one of America’s favorite artists is becoming demonized for encouraging and participating in free thought, something not commonly found on Twitter.

Twitter allows the writer to have a direct line of communication with the president and feel like their voices are being heard. This becomes a problem when only a certain voice is allowed to exist peacefully without being deemed as a “play for publicity,” or how others have insisted, an issue of mental illness.


Sierra Gadsby



I don’t know what Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell or even Nat Turner, Frederick Douglass or Harriet Tubman might have to say on the subject of slavery being a choice, but I think had I been a slave I might not have seriously considered for a moment that I had chosen my condition.

Ronald Webster

Long Beach

Some theories on ‘Big Bang’

Regarding “Powering a ‘Big Bang’ “ [May 6]: The “Big Bang Theory” is a genuinely funny show, but the laugh track robs it of its integrity. Saying “hello” is not a laugh riot. Never was. Never will be. But the program never trusted its audience.

Tony Macklin

Las Vegas

Editor’s note: “The Big Bang Theory” is filmed before a live studio audience.


After 11 years and 250 episodes it may be time for the “Big Bang Theory” to wrap it up.

Sheldon’s character is no less than a 187 IQ bully who lies in wait to verbally pounce on anyone who disagrees with him on any subject.


I look for episodes that put Sheldon in his place due to his inherent cruelness to most people.

Perhaps the writers should make the very last episode one where Sheldon becomes a human being to his friends.

Bill Spitalnick

Newport Beach

A different view on ‘Overboard’

I must have seen a different movie than Katie Walsh [“Remake Takes Unfunny Dive,” May 4]. I found the remake of “Overboard” fresh, funny and relevant.

It’s a mainstream Hollywood movie that is in Spanish more than 50% of the time, shows rich, well-dressed Mexicans (not drug dealers, murderers or rapists) and working-class white people. Hopefully, Walsh’s review will not impact Los Angeles audiences. Latinos are grossly underserved by Hollywood.

Julie Allan

Los Angeles

Nolan, ‘2001’ make a fine pair

Regarding “Nolan finds planets align for ‘2001’ return” [May 6]: “2001” is a classic science-fiction film and Christopher Nolan a gifted auteur who remembers and appreciates the film-viewing experience of his (and my) youth. This is a fortuitous pairing.

Stephen A. Silver

San Francisco

[email protected]
