
Los Angeles Times bestsellers for Jan. 17, 2010

Fiction Weeks on list
1.The Help by Kathryn Stockett (Putnam: $24.95) The lives of a maid, a cook and a college graduate become intertwined as they change a Mississippi town. 32
2.Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro (Knopf : $25.95) The short story master explores women and their relationships in 10 new stories. 7
3.Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel ( Henry Holt: $27) The rise of Henry VIII’s advisor Thomas Cromwell.10
4.Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown: $19.99) Bella must choose between her lover and a friend, between life and death. 71
5.The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (Doubleday: $25.99) Harvard professor Robert Langdon uses his symbology skills to find a missing Freemason in Washington, D.C. 17
6.The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson (Knopf: $25.95) A hacker implicated in two murders must revisit her past to prove her innocence. 20
7.I, Alex Cross by James Patterson (Little, Brown: $27.99) Detective Alex Cross infiltrates a secret society while tracking down the killer of a close relative. 7
8.Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days by Jeff Kinney (Amulet: $13.95) Greg desires to spend summer vacation indoors despite his mother’s wishes for outdoor family fun.13
9.The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb (W.W. Norton & Co.: $24.95) Graphic depictions from all 50 chapters of the first book of the Bible. 6
10.Under the Dome by Stephen King (Scribner: $35) A ragtag group of characters fight to survive in their small Maine town inexplicably surrounded by an invisible force field. 7
11.Summertime by J. M. Coetzee (Viking: $25.95) A re-imagining of the author’s biography after his death. 1
12.U is for Undertow by Sue Grafton (Putnam: $27.95) PI Kinsey Millhone investigates the 20-year-old case of the mysterious disappearance of a 4-year-old girl.5
13.Deeper Than the Dead by Tami Hoag (Dutton : $26.95) A detective uses profiling to track down a serial killer and delve into the lives of the children and teacher who discovered a victim’s body.1
14.Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton (Harper: $27.99) A swashbuckling pirate and his crew attempt to commandeer a Spanish ship carrying a golden treasure.6
15.The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver (Harper: $26.99) A writer’s escapades encompassing 1930s Mexican artist communities and Cold War America. 9
1.What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown: $27.99) A collection of the author’s writings of everyday and extraordinary people. 11
2.Lit by Mary Karr (Harper: $25.99) The author’s descent into alcoholism and recovery. 7
3.Open by Andre Agassi (Knopf: $28.95) The tennis star’s memoir and personal odyssey of a lost childhood, drug use and comebacks.9
4.Stones Into Schools by Greg Mortenson (Viking: $26.95) The author’s continued struggle to establish schools for girls in Afghanistan in this sequel to “Three Cups of Tea.”5
5.Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown: $27.99) An exploration of the background of high achievers. 55
6.Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom (Hyperion: $23.99) Albom’s observations of a rabbi and a pastor on an eight-year journey of faith. 15
7.True Compass by Edward Kennedy (Twelve: $35) The memoirs of the late U.S. senator from Massachusetts. 9
8.Highest Duty by Chesley B. Sullenberger (William Morrow: $25.95) The story behind the pilot who safely landed a plane on the Hudson River.1
9.Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer (Little, Brown: $25.99) An examination and behind-the-scenes look at factory farming. 6
10.Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey ( Amistad: $23.99) The talk-show host lets women inside the mind-set of a man. 34
11.The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss (Crown: 17 $19.95) A blueprint for living life on your own terms. 18
12.Going Rogue by Sarah Palin (HarperCollins: $28.99) A memoir of the 2008 vice presidential nominee and former Alaska governor.7
13.How to Hug a Porcupine by June Eding (Hatherleigh Press : $11) New approaches on how to love and deal with difficult people in your life.1
14.Inventing L.A. by Bill Boyarsky (Angel City Press : $35) A behind -the- scenes history of the Chandler family and their building of the L.A. Times and the city of Los Angeles. 1
15.Los Angeles, Portrait of a City by Kevin Starr & Jim Heimann (Taschen: $70) A photographic journey through the city’s cultural, political, industrial and sociological history. 3