
Amanda Bynes pleads not guilty to DUI, asks Obama for a favor

Amanda Bynes isn’t messing around when it comes to her DUI case. In fact, she’s gone straight to the president of the United States.

“Hey @BarackObama ... I don’t drink,” the actress tweeted Tuesday, the same day she was formally charged with driving under the influence. “Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don’t hit and run. The end.”

Alas, President Obama did not show up on behalf of Bynes, 26, at the Beverly Hills Courthouse on Wednesday, so the duty of entering not guilty pleas on her behalf fell to her attorney, TMZ said. Bynes, who was charged Tuesday with driving under the influence and refusing a Breathalyzer or blood-alcohol test, also was not in court.


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Bynes has maintained her innocence since the 3 a.m. arrest in West Hollywood on April 6, which came after she allegedly clipped the rear corner of an L.A. County sheriff’s cruiser. Her dad also said she’s not guilty.

Hey, Obama is going to be in town Wednesday afternoon and evening -- maybe he’ll find time to do a girl a solid. Not as if there’s much else on his plate. Still, last time we checked Obama did not have the power to smite sheriff’s deputies on a local level.



Amanda Bynes’ brief retirement ends with a tweet

Amanda Bynes arrested on suspicion of DUI in WeHo

Amanda Bynes’ father says she wasn’t drinking before DUI arrest


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