
Watch Prince’s new video ‘Breakfast Can Wait’

The folks at Waffle House and IHOP might not swoon over the message at the heart of Prince’s new video, “Breakfast Can Wait,” but the Purple One has found plenty of sensual fun in the kitchen to keep pop music fans engaged in this work directed by and starring 18-year-old Danielle Curiel.

Who else could make a lyric that includes a menu rundown — “Grits and gravy, cheese eggs and jam” — sound positively sexy but Prince, who reportedly gave his young collaborator complete artistic and directorial control over the video. He chose her to direct it after being impressed by reading a treatment she sent him for the song.

The track is a pulsing R&B slow-jam filled with rhythmic bumps and pauses as Curiel’s mis-en-scene alternates between what looks to be an attempt to prepare a morning-after meal in the kitchen and a tightly choreographed dance number in old brick workout space.


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And yes, that’s Curiel under the curly wig and painted-on mustache while playing peek-a-boo from behind the neck of a guitar as she serves as stand-in for the artist formerly known as The Artist Formerly Known As Prince.

“Prince wanted this video to be a creative encounter, offering fresh, young talent [the chance] to ‘visualize’ together,” a spokeswoman for Prince told Pop & Hiss. “He approved the treatment, but gave all control to this 18-year-old. There were no managers, agents [or] label people there -- just young talent collaborating for a very unique experience.”


Here’s the video, which premiered today, Oct. 11, on Vevo and YouTube:


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