
New ‘Walking Dead’ webisodes in anticipation of Season 3

“The Walking Dead” returns in two weeks for its third season, but in a repeat of last year, the producers have released an online-only appetizer in the form of a four-part series of webisodes titled “Cold Storage.”

The series reunites “Walking Dead” co-executive producer and makeup effects artist Greg Nicotero and writer John Esposito, who collaborated on the show’s six-part Web series “Torn Apart” last fall.

The new series features actors Josh Stewart and Daniel Roebuck (whom “Lost” fans will recognize as the ill-fated schoolteacher Arzt) as a couple of survivors in a cold storage facility. And one of them is harboring quite a dark secret.


PHOTOS:On the set of ‘The Walking Dead’

The series of 4-to-10-minute webisodes is as intense as anything the main series has done and features some really horrifying zombie moments. What else would you expect when the director is also the guy in charge of the makeup?

Actress Cerina Vincent and Chris Nelson also star.

The previous series of webisodes explained the back story of the bicycle girl zombie seen in the pilot. And while this series may seem totally disconnected from the main “Walking Dead” story line at first, it does link up in a surprising way.


We can’t embed the first episode here (way too gruesome), but you can find it here.


‘Walking Dead’ finale: Who is Michonne?

‘Walking Dead’: Greg Nicotero gives undead life


‘Walking Dead’: On set with Michonne, The Governor — but oddly, no zombies

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