
WWE superstar Dolph Ziggler talks about SummerSlam

Recently, Hannah Mitchell, the 11-year-old daughter of Show Tracker’s “Monday Night Raw” recapper Houston Mitchell, was able to interview five WWE superstars about this Sunday’s pay-per-view event, SummerSlam. Here is the interview conducted with Dolph Ziggler, who gave his answers via email.

Q: What are the odds of you cashing in your “Money in the Bank” briefcase at SummerSlam?Ziggler: SummerSlam is a grand stage, and I will find a way to steal the show that night one way or another, but I am still brainstorming on the perfect time to cash in. This is the biggest step thus far in my career, so it will be done right and be memorable!

Q: If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice while you were a member of the Spirit Squad, what advice would you give?


Ziggler: Some advice i would give myself from the Spirit Squad years, try and get taller.... Oh, and don’t invest in Facebook, ha ha! I pride myself on all the hard work I have put forward from Day One, but I would convince myself that the cream eventually rises to the top. Don’t get too frustrated! I’m too good at this to be overlooked!

Q: You are a showoff but are beginning to get some cheers from the audience. What do you think about that?

Ziggler: I get cheered more and more for one simple reason: When I step in the ring I steal the show! I will not accept anything less from myself. I have won three times in about 10 months, but it doesn’t matter because I put 110% into everything I do and it shows. Thanks for noticing ... three years later.


Q: A lot of people compare you to Mr. Perfect. What do you think about that comparison?

Ziggler: Any comparison to a WWE legend or someone I’ve looked up to is really cool, but make no mistake about it, my ego is too big to want to be a really good replica of someone else! It’s unfortunate that if you’re really good at your job, you are constantly compared to legends of the past. I am not trying to be the next ANYONE, I am going to be the FIRST Dolph Ziggler! Follow that!

Q: If you could take one wrestler from history in their prime and wrestle them in the main event at SummerSlam, who would you pick and why?

Ziggler: Without a doubt myself vs. Shawn Michaels in his prime would be one of the greatest matches anyone in this era or any other era have ever seen! We would both try and outwork each other for the match and the pure emotion and reactions would be mind-blowing. Two of the best ever going head to head would simply be a masterpiece!



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