
The Tao of Takei: Internet wisdom from George Takei’s new series

George Takei’s Web TV series, “It Takeis Two,” debuted on Tuesday on the actor’s YouTube channel. It’s a parody scripted “reality series” about life — at home and online — with husband Brad Takei. Think a gay, modern-day “I Love Lucy” of sorts, following the wacky trials and tribulations of a celebrity’s spouse (Brad) in roughly three-minute episodes.

The 77-year-old actor and activist, who recently led the charge on behalf of the LGBT community in the heated debates over religious-freedom laws in Indiana and Arkansas, is clearly aiming to positively portray domestic life between two married men in a loving relationship. He and Brad have been together 27 years — married since 2008 — and despite the quirky quagmires they find themselves embroiled in, the show is brimming with warmth between the couple.

The series, however, is as much about Internet culture as it is about gay marriage — and that’s where a lot of the comedy comes in. Brad is the bewildered Luddite to George’s social media-savvy Web guru; in real life, George has about 8.4 million Facebook followers and 1.6 million Twitter followers.


In the first episode, Brad unearths a “mean meme” about him online and sets out trying to scrub the Internet of it. The second episode has him scampering around Google’s headquarters, looking for someone to take the meme down. All the while, George — who has engineered the Web series to position Brad as its star — stands by in the background, giggling at his wound-up, clueless hubby.

The series is chock-full of clever Takei-isms, pithy wordplay poking fun of Internet life, pop culture and the Takeis themselves.

But Web-enlightenment seekers take note: “Star Trek’s” former Mr. Sulu is a wise man in the ways of cyberspace.


Here are a few golden nuggets of advice from the first episode of “It Takeis Two.” Call it: The Tao of Takei.

-- “Bradder, you gotta accept the Internet for what it is,” Takei insists. “It’s like marriage — you go into it for better or for worse.”

-- “You can’t Klingon to Trolls…!” George schools Brad.”

-- “Don’t be such a Yahoo and go all Googly-eyed,” George scolds Brad in one scene.

-- There’s even a reference to George’s signature line, “Oh, myyyy!”

His Twitter account (@GeorgeTakei) features the ultimate Takeism, though:


“My name is George Takei,” it says at the top of the page. “Some know me as Mr. Sulu but I hope all know me as a believer in, and a fighter for, the equality and dignity of all human beings.”

Twitter: @debvankin
