
Did you ever dream you were a plate of pasta? Dali meets Boyardee

Have you ever dreamed you were a bowl of pasta? And then your girlfriend sat down with a fork?

Yes or no, you’ve got to check out a new short YouTube video (portions of this video contain nudity) by the Venezuelan group Sogni Culinari (roughly: “Cooking Dreams”). Think Salvador Dali meets Chef Boyardee.

“Last night I dreamed I was a pasta dish,” the narrator says in subtitled Italian. “That through my veins of long pasta, tomato sauce ran. That my eyes were meatballs and my heart a slice of onion.”


And then things get weird.

It’s made by Clarissa Duque (“Tambores de Agua,” “Galus Galus”), winner of several awards as a short-film maker and competitor in the Cannes Short Film Corner, and stars Javier Figuera and Nabilia Ganem, with Luigi Sciamanna’s voice.

The film is beautifully shot and, apropos of Dali (and, come to think of it, Boyardee), maybe a little surrealistically gruesome too.

To tell more would be to give too much away. But it’s three minutes you won’t regret.

Are you a food geek? Follow me on Twitter @russ_parsons1
