Where to find turkeys
Holiday Cooking |

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FROM THE TIMES ARCHIVES — We shopped in local markets and by mail order for the turkeys roasted in the Times Test Kitchen. Here are some turkey sources, as well as Web sites and toll-free phone lines for poultry companies and organizations providing last-minute cooking advice. (Most will operate through the Christmas holidays.)
Where to Buy
Butterball: supermarkets. The company operates its Turkey Talk-Line staffed by home economists 6 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays; 6 a.m.-4 p.m. weekends through Nov. 21; and 4 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thanksgiving Day: (800) 288-8372, English and Spanish. https://www.butterball.com
Empire Kosher: most supermarkets, kosher meat stores and specialty markets. https://www.empirekosher.com
Foster Farms: supermarkets. (800) 255-7227; https://www.fosterfarms.com
Honeysuckle White: supermarkets. https://www.honeysucklewhite.com
Norbest: independent markets such as Jon’s (Los Angeles). https://www.norbest.com
Shelton’s Poultry: specialty markets such as Bristol Farms and Gelson’s. https://www.sheltons.com
Willie Bird: mail-order from the company, (877) 494-5592, either fresh or frozen. https://www.williebird.com. Can also be ordered through Williams-Sonoma catalog, (800) 541-2233 or https://www.williams-sonoma.com
Turkey Information
The National Turkey Federation Web site includes information on buying, storing and cooking turkey. https://www.eatturkey.com
Reynolds Turkey Tips Line: (800) 745-4000. Recorded thawing and roasting directions.
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