
Pilates roll down

Use this Pilates roll-down exercise to stretch and strengthen your core muscles. Leaning against a flat wall to perform the move helps you hold and maintain a C-curve shape to your spine.

Grasp a light dumbbell in each hand and stand with your back against the wall. Your shoulders and hips should touch the wall. Walk your feet forward, bend your knees slightly and firmly press your back into the wall. Let your arms hang below your shoulders.

Tuck your chin in toward your throat and begin to roll down until just your lower back and the back of your pelvis remain in contact with the wall. Pause at this point and focus on pressing your navel toward your spine as you move your arms in small circles six times. Pause and reverse the circles, keeping your arms loose. Roll up slowly, one vertebra at a time, and return to the start position.


Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Sleek Essentials.”

[email protected]
