
Today’s daily briefing

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Brain anomaly linked to sudden infant death - study (Reuters)

An abnormality in part of the brain that controls breathing, arousal and other reflexes may be what causes sudden infant death syndrome, a finding that could lead to a preventive treatment, a study said Tuesday.



Focusing on the impaired limb aids in recovery, a study finds.

Blacks not less prone to suicide, study says (AP via The Chicago Tribune)

More U.S. blacks attempt suicide than previously thought, according to a landmark study that could help explode the myth that black suicides are rare because of a mind-set that took hold during slavery.

Study finds PSAs predict bad prostate cancer (AP via The Chicago Sun-Times)


Some prostate cancer kills. But many of the tumors are too slow-growing to ever threaten a man’s life. Unfortunately, there’s little way to tell the difference and help men decide to treat or not.

Vaccine may work against common infection - researchers (Reuters)

A newly developed vaccine may work against Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that causes a range of potentially fatal infections and has become resistant to many antibiotics, U.S. researchers reported Tuesday.



A study finds hardware such as screws and cages to help fuse vertebrae and ease back pain doesn’t improve results. >>

CDC to subsidize Merck’s cervical cancer vaccine (Reuters)

U.S. health authorities added Merck & Co. Inc.’s new vaccine for cervical cancer to a government-subsidized vaccine program for schoolchildren, helping to expand its availability, the company said Wednesday.

Salmonella outbreak appears over, health official says (AP via the LAT)

A salmonella outbreak that sickened dozens of people in 19 states appears to be over, while investigators remain unsure how it began, a federal official said Tuesday.
