
Today’s daily briefing

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KFC Starts Frying With Less Harmful Oil, People Familiar Say (Bloomberg News)

KFC Corp. has started cooking its Kentucky fried chicken in oil with less harmful fat following claims its food increases the risk of heart disease.



Not long ago, herbal cures would have been laughed off as witchcraft or old wives’ tales by the Colombian government and the medical establishment. But officials, long wary of foreign “bio-prospecting” of the country’s rich natural resources, are starting to take claims of herbal powers seriously.

Glaxo Says Promacta Increases Platelets in Hepatitis C Patient (Bloomberg News)

GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s experimental drug Promacta, whose progress the company delayed last week, significantly improved the growth of blood platelets in people who have hepatitis C and low platelets, the company said today.
