Carla Rivera
Carla Rivera is a former deputy editor for investigations at the Los Angeles Times. She was previously an assistant editor in Metro and reporter who covered higher education. Rivera was a member of the staff that won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the 1992 Los Angeles riots and has covered county government, the homeless on Skid Row, Malibu wildfires and been stung by rubber bullets during the 2000 Democratic Convention. Rivera is an alumna of The Times’ Metpro program (now called the Los Angeles Times Fellowship), which trains early career journalists from diverse backgrounds.
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Granada Hills Charter High School, un constante puntal en concursos académicos, continuó su legado el sábado último al ganar el decatlón académico nacional por segundo año consecutivo.
Members of the Granada Hills Charter High School’s national Academic Decathlon championship team will be honored during a welcome rally at the school on Monday.
Granada Hills Charter High School, a perennial powerhouse in academic competitions, continued to build on that legacy Saturday by winning the national 2016 Academic Decathlon for the second year in a row.
En una residencia universitaria de UCLA, 84 estudiantes comparten una planta dedicada a la reducción de residuos y la preservación del medio ambiente: toman duchas de cinco minutos, hacen abono y reciclaje, se recuerdan unos a otros que deben apagar las luces y, a través de una subvención, compraron platos y utensilios reutilizables de plástico y bambú para uso personal en los dormitorios.
UC Berkeley officials said Wednesday that the university’s law school dean, Sujit Choudhry, will be taking an “indefinite leave of absence” after he was sued for sexual harassment by his former executive assistant.
California State University trustees named two women to lead the Chico and Channel Islands campuses, paving the way for the nation’s largest university system to have more women serving as presidents than at any time in its history.
California State University faculty members appealed to trustees Tuesday to do more to avert a strike at the nation’s largest university system, but the two sides remain at odds over salaries for about 26,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches.
Cal State faculty members are expected to press their case for pay raises Tuesday at a Board of Trustees meeting -- perhaps their last chance to jump-start stalled negotiations before potential strikes in April.
Divers recovered on Sunday the remains of two people and plane wreckage off the coast of San Pedro as the search continued for evidence of a suspected midair collision of two small planes.
Mandatarios de la Universidad Estatal de California nombraron a dos mujeres para dirigir los planteles de San José y Sonoma y dieron a conocer buenas noticias acerca de los esfuerzos para reducir el tiempo que le toma a los estudiantes obtener un título.