
Los Angeles Times Brings Neighborhood-level Crime Analysis and Trends into Focus with Launch of Crime L.A.

<i>Interactive Site Uniquely Poised to Advance Public Knowledge</i>

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Times today launches its latest multimedia initiative, Crime L.A. (, providing detailed crime reports and incident-trend profiles that allow readers to view the information in the context of where they live and work, as well as to share comments and insight.

"Crime L.A. is designed to inform and empower people in cities and neighborhoods across Los Angeles by bringing sophisticated, modern crime analysis to anyone with access to the web," said Times Editor Russ Stanton. "This ambitious project combines journalism, data and technology to provide crime statistics, locations and context with precision never before available to the public."

Crime L.A. is built to cover all of Los Angeles County, ultimately, and presently maps the extensive territories served by the Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - or 90% of the county and nearly 70% of residents. The Times obtains LAPD and LASD raw data public-record information on homicide, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, grand theft auto, theft, and theft from vehicle incidents. Crime L.A. categorizes each incident, verifies the location, and places it on the map, making it possible to compare neighborhoods, track trends, analyze crime rates per capita, and trigger alerts when there are increases in area activity. The map itself is based on's Mapping L.A. project which incorporates geographic, demographic, historic and socioeconomic characteristics, and community boundaries established with the assistance of Times readers.

"Reporting issues important to our community, including crime, has been a core part of The Times' mission throughout our 128-year history," said Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein. "Crime L.A. is a first-of-its-kind public resource that brings that tradition into the digital age."

Produced entirely with open-source software including Django, Google Maps, jQuery, OpenLayers, PostgresSQL, Simile and Timemap, Crime L.A. joins the growing Data Desk portfolio that includes The Homicide Report, Hollywood Star Walk, Grading the Teachers, Toyota: Road to Recall, and California's War Dead.

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The Los AngelesTimes is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in thecountry, with a daily readership of 2 million and 3 million onSunday, and a combined print and online local weekly audience of4.5 million. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Times has been coveringSouthern California for more than 128 years and the draws more than 10 million unique visitors monthly.

The Los Angeles Times Media Group (LATMG) businesses andaffiliates also include The Envelope, Times Community Newspapers, Brand X, LA, LosAngeles Times Magazine, and Hoy Los Angeles which, combined with theflagship Los Angeles Times, reach approximately 5.4 million or 40%of all adults in the Southern California marketplace. LATMG alsoowns and operates California Community News as well as TribuneDirect's west coast division and is part of Tribune Company,one of the country's leading media companies with businesses inpublishing, the Internet and broadcasting. Additional informationis available at


Hillary Manning | Los Angeles Times | 213.237.2664 | [email protected]
