

The best site in Los Angeles for local news and information,, is now offering pay-per-click advertising!

Grow your business in Los Angeles by getting your message to more than 5.5MM unique visitors engaged in the Los Angeles Times' award winning content every month!* This pay-per-click program provides higher click-throughs and conversions to your business because we can match your ads with better, more local and relevant Los Angeles content.

Just include the promo number LAT-1987 at the end of registering to receive your free $50 worth of PPC advertising on!

Promotion is subject to limited availability. Advertisers signing up for the promotion will receive $50 worth of credit. Limit one offer per customer. Ad listings and accounts are subject to editorial review. Promotion Offer may not be combined with any other offers or discounts, separated, redeemed for cash, or transferred. Tribune Interactive and Tribune Partners reserve the right to refuse promotion and to collect used funds from accounts created for fraudulent purposes. Offer expires 06/30/06. Los Angeles Times' Terms and Conditions apply to the placement of any advertising. Other terms and conditions may apply.

* Unique visitors for March 2006, ComScore.

