FAQs about Times in Education
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What is TIE?
TIE is a newspaper-based educational program dedicated to
helping students reach their full potential. TIE provides
teachers a variety of nationally-acclaimed curriculum guides
to help students sharpen their academic skills and make the
connection between classroom learning and real-life applications.
Why use the Los Angeles Times in the classroom?
The Los Angeles Times is a great supplement to the regular
curriculum. It is a changing, inexhaustible source of information,
as well as an interesting alternative to traditional textbook
lessons and activities.
How much does it cost?
TIE is able to offer this exciting program at not cost to
teachers and schools because of generous corporate sponsors
and subscriber donations.
Who pays for the program?
The papers are paid for by Los Angeles Times subscribers and
corporate sponsors. When The Times subscribers call to stop
delivery of their papers for a short time they are asked if
they would like to donate those papers to the schools and
thousands respond with an enthusiastic YES! Corporate sponsors
donate money to partner with The Times in various learning
I use the papers every year; do I need to sign up
at the beginning of every school year?
Yes, unless you teach at a year round school. In that case
let us know when you sign up that you want the papers to continue
My paper was not delivered on my regular day, can
I have the paper delivered on another day to make up for it?
The papers are scheduled for delivery three business days
out so it is not possible to have make-up days.
How do I sign up for a free subscription?
You can subscribe on-line, www.latimes.com/tie or can call
1-800-latimes and ask for Times in Education.
My paper has not arrived by 8:00 am. Who do I call?
Call your regional customer service representative before
8:45 am. Your regional customer service representative is
listed in each of the three zones that are on the Web site.