
Adrift in a sea of malcontents

After reading “Your Port of Call Is Suddenly Canceled. Now What? [Travel Q&A, Feb. 6], I visited to (to quote writer Laurie Berger) “keep tabs on problems at sea.” What I found was more of the negativity expressed by Berger. Because all our 18 cruises on seven lines have been pleasurable, I’ll just file Berger’s advice and that of under Malcontents de Mer and let the chips fall (or the ships sail) where they may.

Joe Ruszkiewicz

Seal Beach


My wife, Lea Ann, was eagerly anticipating the “Special Cruise Issue” [Feb. 6]. My customary Sunday morning routine of “sectioning” out the newspaper — my pile (front page, Opinion, Comics, Sports); her pile (Travel, Calendar, coupons and ads) — was tossed out the window as my wife headed straight for the much promised “Special Cruise Issue” of the Travel section.

Her enthusiasm, however, quickly turned to disappointment as she held up the normally copious Travel section to reveal a quite thin reading section.


“This is it?” she asked. I immediately became your representative in the field and thereby the target of all her ire. Thanks to you, I spent a normally stress-free Sunday dodging dirty looks and grimacing at the machine-gun repetition of never-to-be-spoken-on-Sunday words and phrases.

Next time you promise a Special Cruise Issue — please deliver. Or I’m forwarding my psychotherapy bills to you.

Billy Mange

