This week in Travel - Jan. 8, 2006
A guide and hiker check out Tiburon, an island wildlife refuge where native Seris came in the mid-1800s after escaping a Mexican ghetto. (Susan Spano / LAT)
Cactus and scrub brush thrive in the Sonoran Desert on the eastern side of the Gulf of California. (Susan Spano / LAT)
Guide Ernesto Molina and his wife in Punta Chueca, where Seris make a living selling crafts and licenses to hunt bighorn sheep. (Susan Spano / LAT)
The sun sets serenely beyond Old Kino pier and Alcatraz Island in the distance. (Susan Spano / LAT)
A Seri weaver in the village of Punta Chueca shows a basket she created. (Susan Spano / LAT)
The misty, verdant Blue Mountains top out at 7,400 feet. At about 2,800 feet, we strapped on helmets for a downhill bike ride. “If the brake doesn’t work, meet you at the bottom,” joked guide Rohan Cheddar. Our reward at the end: Red Stripe beers and a chilly plunge into a pool at the base of the foaming Fishdunn Falls. (John Biemer / Chicago Tribune)
Theater will be the main attraction of an eight-night trip to New York in April. (Frank Franklin II / AP)