
Newsletter: Today: The Supreme Court and Your 401(k). Iraq Redux.

Hello. I'm Davan Maharaj, editor of the Los Angeles Times.

The Supreme Court has a wake-up call for your 401(k), and recent history repeats itself in Iraq. Here are some story lines I don't want you to miss today.


What's in Your 401(k)?

The Supreme Court has put Wall Street fees, and the drain they put on retirement accounts, in a harsh spotlight. It ruled that employers can be sued if their retirement plans offer funds with unnecessarily high fees. The case involves Edison International of Rosemead, and it could give a boost to others. Our report includes a graphic on the effect such fees can have on a nest egg.

Iraq Redux

Ramadi was once the perilous hub of a Sunni Muslim insurgency against Iraq's U.S. occupiers. Now it's the perilous hub of a Sunni insurgency -- Islamic State -- against Iraq's Shiite Muslim government. There are few better examples of how enmity between these branches of Islam can complicate a combat zone. Baghdad may try to take it back with Shiite militias. Watch out.

Wild in Waco

It's a war largely fought out of sight. But this time a biker-gang turf battle exploded into the open outside a sports bar in a shopping area of Waco, Texas. A gun battle left nine dead, 18 injured and at least 170 under arrest. Police, who expected trouble and were on hand, still had difficulty gaining control. Read what caused this fight and why police across the nation are worried.

Dying Wishes

Supporters call it "aid in dying." Opponents call it "assisted suicide." It has been legalized in six states. Efforts have failed in many others. It's back in the California Legislature for the first time since 2007, and in two lawsuits. Whatever you think about this tough issue, it's worth pondering the story of Angie Bloomquist, a sufferer of Lou Gehrig's disease who joined one of those suits.

Playing in the Void

Dean Potter jumped off cliffs with wing suits and parachutes. Some call it "extreme sport." Others call it crazy. Potter, one of the best, called it "the dangerous arts," endeavors that let him "play in the void." He and a fellow traveler died Saturday in another leap into that void in Yosemite. Take a deeper look into their world and the spirit that drives the search for an "alternate freedom."


-- A look at today's general election in L.A.: one City Council seat and three on the school board.

-- In an L.A. case, the Supreme Court puts police on notice that they may be sued if they hide information that reveals a suspect is being wrongly held.

-- A federal maternity case grows with the arrest of an Orange County attorney.


-- President Obama says he will limit the kinds of military-style equipment given to police departments.

-- What Hillary Clinton says she would expect from her nominees to the Supreme Court.

-- Ukraine says it will try captured Russian special forces soldiers for "terrorist crimes."

-- Into Africa: Desperate Yemeni refugees wait out a war in the heat and dust of Djibouti.


-- Olympus mounts a defense over medical scopes tied to a deadly "superbug" outbreak.

-- Hollywood shifts its focus to female film patrons.

-- David Lazarus: Are organic foods worth that big markup? Some surprising sources suggest not.


-- A San Diego committee unveils its plans for a $1.1-billion NFL stadium.

-- Michael Hiltzik: How the NFL may pick the pockets of San Diegans.

-- The Lakers' lottery fate will be decided today.

-- The latest scores and stats.


-- Cannes: In Pete Docter's "Inside Out," emotions serve as characters inside a little girl's head.

-- A "Mad Men" finale recap: There's no place like om.

--  A brief history of the David Letterman Top 10 List.


-- Brilliant, brainy books to take to the beach this summer.

-- The financial perks of being tall; even an extra inch might mean a lot.

-- The songwriter behind "Buy the World a Coke" is amazed to hear it ended "Mad Men."


Here's one for the "be careful what you ask for" file. In a drought-driven effort to save water, the Metropolitan Water District offers $2-per-square-foot "turf replacement rebates" for people who ditch their lawns. Guess what? Response has been overwhelming and the district is out of rebate money. It dare not scrap the program, but some changes probably are coming. 

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj.
