
The DSM story

The DSM story DSM-I Published in 1952 Directed by William C. Menninger, a psychiatrist and brigadier general. The focus was on treatment of soldiers. Listed 106 disorders. DSM-II 1968 Listed 182 disorders. Many conditions were seen as abnormal reactions to life situations. A revision, in 1974, dropped homosexuality as a disorder. DSM-III 1980 Terms were made consistent with disorders classified by the World Health Organization. Swelled to 494 pages, with 265 diagnostic categories. Formalized the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. DSM-IV 1994 Only symptoms that caused clinically significant distress or impairments in functioning were included. Broadened the descriptions of autistic disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. DSM-5 2013 Will likely see the first decrease in the number of disorders compared with past revisions. Will likely include behavioral addictions for the first time. Previous editions of DSM have used Roman numerals. DSM-5 and future editions will use Arabic numbers to clarify online revisions such as DSM-5.1, DSM-5.2, etc. Source: Times staff research
