
Politicians weigh runs for Oropeza’s state Senate seat

The state Senate seat vacated by the death of Jenny Oropeza is drawing the interest of some high-profile Los Angeles County politicians, including L.A. Councilwoman Janice Hahn and Assemblyman Ted Lieu (D-Torrance), who on Tuesday became the first to announce that he is in the race.

Oropeza died Oct. 20 after a long illness, but because voters in the 28th Senate District reelected her last week, the governor will call a special election after the new term begins in January. The district stretches from Long Beach to Marina del Rey.

Other potential candidates include Assemblyman Warren Furutani (D-Gardena) and Republican John Stammreich, an aerospace contracts manager who placed second in the Nov. 2 election.


Furutani’s and Lieu’s Assembly districts cover most of the territory of the Senate district.

In announcing his candidacy, Lieu noted that he has “represented 56% of the voters in the Senate district for three terms.” Furutani said he is considering a run but wants to crunch the numbers and make sure there is no “unnecessary bloodletting” between Democrats interested in the seat.

Hahn, a San Pedro resident whose council district also overlaps part of the Senate district, is weighing whether to seek the seat after her recent failed run for lieutenant governor.


“Councilwoman Hahn is looking at where she can be the most effective in getting Californians back to work,” Michael Trujillo, a political consultant close to the councilwoman, wrote in an e-mail.

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