
How much does your city manager make?

The Times requested 2009 total taxable income figures from each of the cities in the county after learning Bell city officials, including city manager Robert Rizzo, were taking home huge salaries.

Because each city operates in its own way and offers its own mix of bonuses, perks and allowances to its top administrator, the total taxable income was considered the best way to compare compensation.

It's important to note that these figures may not necessarily be the complete picture. In some cases, the taxable income figure does not capture the pretax dollars that cities direct toward an employee's retirement package or deferred compensation account.

Notes: Salaries for individuals marked with an * have been annualized to allow for comparison to other cities. Please click on the accompanying note for additional details. Jose E. Pulido, marked above with a **, worked as city manager in San Fernando through October 2009 before being hired in Temple City. Notes accompanying his entries provide additional details.
For the record: An earlier version of this database had incorrect populations for seven cities. The error was corrected on Aug. 6 at at 11:30 a.m.
Source: California Department of Finance and Census 2000. Median household income is in 2008 dollars.
Credits: Sam Allen, Abby Sewell, Anthony Pesce, Maloy Moore, Doug Smith, Sandra Poindexter, Ebony Bailey, Michelle Minkoff, Ben Welsh, Ken Schwencke, Saji Mathai and Megan Garvey