
Stop the bleeding in California

As Congress finally prepares to vote on healthcare reform -- the culmination of a battle begun 65 years ago when Harry Truman sent the first proposal for national healthcare up to the Hill -- California is awash in bad healthcare news.

Not to put too fine a point on it -- fewer and fewer Californians are insured.

Healthcare: An Op-Ed article Thursday reported that Anthem Blue Cross is raising rates on insurance premiums in California by nearly 40%. The company is raising only some of its rates by that amount. Other increases are smaller. —

A study released Monday by UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research reported that the number of uninsured Californians jumped by more than 25% from 2007 to 2009. In the earlier year, before the recession began, 6.4 million Californians were uninsured. By last year, that number had risen to a staggering 8.2 million, or 24.3% of the state’s population.

Worse yet, those numbers are almost certain to rise. Anthem Blue Cross, the state’s largest vendor of individual policies, recently announced it was raising premiums by nearly 40%, and with the governor determined to strike children from the state healthcare rolls to diminish the state’s chronic deficit, it’s entirely possible that nearly 3 in 10 Californians may be without insurance by year’s end.

If California ever needed the federal government to enact a universal plan of its own, that time is now.

To be sure, the Democrats’ plan wouldn’t ride to the rescue immediately or completely. The exchanges, on which people will be able to buy policies -- with the assistance of government subsidies if needed -- won’t be up and running until 2014, and many reforms won’t take place until then. Undocumented immigrants, millions of whom live in California, won’t be able to buy policies on the exchanges, which means that many of them will remain uninsured.

But the legislation will almost immediately give the secretary of Health and Human Services broad new power to regulate insurance companies, including telling them what they must cover and calling them to account for unreasonable rate increases. And it will, by 2014, cover roughly 31 million of the nation’s 47 million uninsured -- 4.2 million of them in California, according to a study released Wednesday by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

In short, this is a plan that will provide Californians with some desperately needed help, though some parts of California need that help more than others. In October, the Urban Institute produced a study measuring the percentage of people under 65 without either public or private medical insurance in each of the nation’s 435 congressional districts in 2008, and the results from California’s 53 congressional districts are revealing.

Some of the districts in eastern L.A. County are among the districts with the highest share of uninsured -- not surprising, since they are also among the most heavily immigrant districts in the nation. There are other clusters of the uninsured in the agricultural districts from Fresno to Salinas, in the rural north of the state and in the desert districts from the Mexican border up through the northern Mojave.

Some of these districts are represented in Congress by Democrats, who will be voting for the bill. Others are represented by Republicans, who are all on record opposing it.

In 2008, Republican Mary Bono Mack’s Riverside County district ranked 54th among the nation’s 435 districts in its rate of uninsured, with an un-insurance rate of 24.1% (and it has surely risen considerably since then, as unemployment has skyrocketed in the Inland Empire). Republican Devin Nunes’ Fresno-area district had an un-insurance rate of 23.8%, which ranked it 59th. Six of the state’s 19 Republican congressional representatives represent districts in which the percentage of uninsured ranks in the top 30% nationally.

The Energy and Commerce Committee’s report found that the Democrats’ bill would extend coverage to 113,500 currently uninsured residents in Nunes’ district, and 126,500 in Bono Mack’s.

So why would a representative whose constituents have so much to gain oppose the reform package? On her website, Bono Mack says she is “against putting the government in charge of medical decisions that should be made by patients and their doctors.” Putting aside the fact that the Democrats’ plan doesn’t put the government in charge of these decisions, what’s glaring in Bono Mack’s boilerplate is that she fails to understand that thousands upon thousands of her constituents don’t even have doctors and couldn’t afford to see them if they did.

Like her fellow congressional Republicans, Bono Mack supports an alternative GOP proposal, which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says would extend coverage to a paltry 3 million uninsured Americans. To say that Bono Mack is unresponsive to some of the most basic needs of her constituents is to understate.

She and her Republican colleagues are also devastatingly unresponsive to the needs of their state. Californians are losing their insurance at a record rate, a process that their strapped state government is making worse. The sole solution on the table for Californians’ plight is the bill that Congress will vote on, in all likelihood, this weekend. Voting “no” may seem to Republicans the politically smart move, but it would be a disaster for California should they prevail.

Harold Meyerson is the

editor at large of the American Prospect and an Op-Ed columnist for the Washington Post.
