
Letters: Protesting abortions

Re “Activist born on a church doorstep,” Column One, May 17

C. Roy McMillan shows up almost every day at the last abortion clinic in Mississippi. He taunts anyone entering the clinic.

What we have is another self-righteous activist who harasses women already making a tough decision — a decision that is theirs and theirs alone. A decision based on what is best for everyone involved. A decision that he has no right to interfere with.


McMillan doesn’t realize that he is probably the best advertisement for the pro-choice movement.

Susan Straughn Harris


If McMillan is interested in protesting against abortions, I suggest he go after the greatest provider of abortions, his God. How many abortions were there in Sodom, how many in Gomorrah, how many in the flood? Who heard the cries of pregnant women as they cried out in anguish?

A woman’s womb is nobody’s business but hers.

Jack Collins



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