
Letters: Man’s best friend

Rambo was abused but was given a new lease on life by the German Shepherd Rescue in Burbank.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

Re “A poor dog’s best friend,” Column One, July 13

The irony of Rene Lynch’s touching and wonderful article about the compassion showed to an abused dog — and the Freeh report about the apathy of highly educated, highly paid professionals toward abused children at Penn State University — appearing on successive pages in Friday’s Times makes a reader wonder.

What’s wrong with people when they get into positions of power? Why would protecting innocent children be less worthy of a Penn State or a Roman Catholic Church or a Jewish Orthodox community or any other insulated institution? What is the message to the most vulnerable in our society? What does it say about what we value as a people?


Linda Feldman

Playa del Rey

We have great respect for Lynch and people like her who are willing to take a chance on adopting an older dog, especially one with such horrific health issues as Sid (now Rambo) the German shepherd. We rescued a dog 10 years ago from the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County and have been amazed by the organization’s volunteers.

It’s laudable that The Times made this a front-page issue, as Sid’s story is, sadly, not unique. It could bring awareness to the plight of the many dogs that have been abandoned and need homes.

Jason and Talon Chase


Between the tears and the tissues I read the wonderful story about Sid. It was touching to know there are so many people who know the meaning of a dog. It isn’t about how they look or how sweet they smell or even what breed they may be; there is a certain something that connects us to them.


Three years ago I lost my 13-year-old teacup poodle. I have not recovered from this.

Many people think dogs are like humans, but I think dogs are just dogs, and this is what makes them so special.

Sherry Davis

Playa Vista


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