
Letters: A less religious America

Re “Shifting dynamic of U.S. religion,” Oct. 10

The fact that the numbers of Protestants and members of other religious affiliations are in decline in the U.S. should surprise no one. Since the early 1980s, religion in this country has been politicized as a wedge issue.

The religious right wing of the GOP has used its political power to demonize those it disagrees with. Leaders such as Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed and Tony Perkins have made plenty of money while espousing beliefs with questionable biblical merits that are in sync with the GOP platform.


As the article stated, young people today don’t buy into the hate-filled rhetoric of these people, but are looking elsewhere for a message of tolerance, charity and love for their fellow person. The “religious leaders” just don’t get it, and their dwindling supporters are proof.

Mike Lockridge

Mission Viejo

I’m glad to read that fewer people claim to be affiliated with a religion. Finally, people are starting to question religion and the existence of a god.

Religion has set humans back centuries. Yes, religious institutions have built beautiful edifices and created beautiful artwork (which, incidentally, could have been accomplished without the idea of a god or gods), but on the other hand, they caused many wars, have preyed on peoples’ fears and suppressed women.


For their tax-free status, they should be taking care of the poor and the homeless. Maybe it will help to start taxing churches. They have had a free ride long enough.

Pat Hall

Hacienda Heights


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