
Letters: Catholics, abortion and politics

Re “Patt Morrison Asks: Douglas Kmiec, keeping the faith,” Opinion, Oct. 24

How is it possible for a Roman Catholic in good conscience, such as Douglas Kmiec says he is, to justify voting for someone who supports abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research and now wants Catholic institutions to cover contraception at no extra charge as part of their employee healthcare plans?

Without the right to life, you have no other rights. The Catholic bishops are right to say that we need to give the highest priority to protecting the unborn and to supporting those candidates who will back such protection. Let’s work to protect them and support those who will.


Jeanne Barry

Newbury Park

It was a pleasure to read Patt Morrison’s interview with Kmiec, President Obama’s former ambassador to Malta. The words he spoke were filled with wisdom and charity. America is very fortunate to have had him in our service.

Joanne Landeros

Dana Point


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